tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Aug 19 02:30:41 1998

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Re: Klingon Language Lab vs. Klingon CDROM

Wednesday, Auguest 19, 1998

Greetings Lt. Cdr. Barrows,

The Klingon CDROM, commonly referred to as  KCD  is the three disc set 
featuring the episode-styled game on two discs with the stand-alone  
Language Lab on the third disc.

The Multipacks of Trek CD-ROMs often include the Klingon Language Lab by 
itself while KCD's game discs are not included.

So in essence, the Klingon Language Lab is a portion of KCD which is 
often included in CD-ROM sets.  Therefore, the choice is yours:

Do you want KCD's Language Lab as a part of the complete KCD package, 
the lab and the episode-styled game featuring Gowron;
or do you want the KCD Language Lab (without the KCD game) in a bundle 
of other Trek software.

I have the complete KCD (game & lab) while my brother has only the lab 
from a multi-pack.  The Language Lab looks and functions exactly the 
same whether it is from KCD or the multi-packs.

I hope this helps.

I do recommend the Language Lab to all beginners and anyone interested 
in the Klingons and their language.

On Tue, 18 Aug 1998,
Lt. Cdr. Sarah Barrows <[email protected]>  wrote: 

>Hey, y'all, I found a package at a computer store recently that
>contained a number of Star Trek discs as well as the Klingon Language
>Lab. I know what the Klingon CD-ROM is, but how does the language lab
>compare? The four- or five-disc pack was priced quite reasonably, I
>thought ... the multi-pack had the same price on it as the single
>Klingon CD-ROM package. I'm wondering if I should snag the multi-pack 
>its seemingly cheap price, or pick up the single Klingon CD-ROM 

>Were I working right now I'd grab them both, but I'm watching my wallet
>until Manpower says they've another assignment for me.

It'd be a good idea to get both if circumstances permit it.  The 
Language Lab cd in the multi-pack has a nice promo .avi for the game 
which isn't on the Language Lab cd that comes with KCD.

>Thanks in advance for any advice!


Dawut (Dave)
[email protected]
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