tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Aug 10 12:02:58 1998

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Re: lopno' - looking for general comment

On Fri, 7 Aug 1998 18:38:35 -0700 (PDT) David Trimboli 
<[email protected]> wrote:

> From: William H. Martin <[email protected]>
> >You might think this is always true with {-lu'}, but in fact,
> >most useage of {-lu'} has heavy cues that something is afoot
> >before {-lu'} ever gets here.
> Such as?

Aww, maaaaan! I wish I had time to dig up good examples. 
Instead, I'll backpedal to say that it is one layer of 
complexity to recognize that the prefix doesn't match person 
with the direct object I just heard, so the prefix-indicated 
direct object is actually the INdirect object. It is another 
layer of complexity to think that a prefix is pointing to a 
subject and an object, but then discover that {-lu'} reverses 
these roles.

It gets REALLY complex when the prefix DOES match person with 
the direct object, but then {-lu'} turns the indicated subject 
into the direct object, but then, no it doesn't because we 
already have a direct object and its person doesn't match the 
one indicated by the combination of the prefix and {-lu'}, so 
the indicated subject is actually the indirect object...

I mean, let's get a little bit real here. It's a stupid way to 
construct a sentence if you expect anyone to understand you. 
Whether or not it fits strict, extended (by combination) rules 
of grammar is irrellavant. People won't understand you if you do 
this. Whatever time you saved uttering fewer syllables, you will 
more than lose from people trying to sort out what you said in 
their minds before pretending to understand what you are talking 

SuStel, you and I agree on this point. So, why argue so much 
about the details?

> >2. The suffix {-lu'} requires that the prefix always refers to a
> >third person singular object, or no object at all.
> The prefix is one which is *normally* used for third person objects, but it
> is used to *indicate* a first- or second-person object.  {jIH vIDellu'} "I
> am described."  The object is first person singular, and the prefix
> indicates this.

I think you are intentionally misunderstanding what I'm saying. 
There is no prefix which does not indicate third person object 
or no object (before the {-lu'} is applied) that can be used 
with {-lu'}. {*qaleghlu'} is gibberish. {*muleghlu'} is 
gibberish. If, as you are choosing, we limit our terminology 
discussing prefixes to ONLY their representation AFTER {-lu'} is 
applied, then we have no way of discussing illegal combinations 
of prefixes with {-lu'}.
> SuStel
> Stardate 98600.3


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