tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sat Aug 08 12:21:40 1998

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Re: KLBC - pabqoqwIj vIlughmoH

From: Qermaq <[email protected]>

>>> > 2. I said "from here." The motion of the verb /legh/ is directed
>>> > from here, so I'd use /naDevvo'/.
>>> Here comes the question. I thought that /-vo'/ referred only to > >
>>physical motion away from.
>>The motion of the verb /legh/ is physically directed away from here.
>>A spatial concept. You can physically point in the direction of the
>>action, or draw a line on a picture.
>Is being spatial enough? The action takes place here, and nothing is really
>going away from here except your attention. The examples most fresh in my
>mind about <-vo'> are related to actual motion, making <-vo'> "away from"
>well as "from". I am uncomfortable with the sentence, especially since my
>first impulse would be <naDev jIHtaHvIS vIleghlaH.> "I can see you while
>here." I would prefer to see <-vo'> reserved for times when action is
>directed away. It feels wrong to see away from a place, and yes, it's only
>feeling ultimately. So take what you will from this.

Power Klingon has:

pa'vo' pagh leghlu'  (I believe this is the line.)
The room has no view.

Literally, it's "One sees nothing from the room."  Qov's suggestion for
{-vo'} is absolutely correct.

On the other hand, Okrand has explicitly told us in a post that locatives do
not work when referring to languages.

Both of our choices are not in question.  Furthermore, there is obviously
some point where English "in" and "from" and so forth no longer translates
into Klingon as the locative suffixes.  Qov is again correct.  If it's
something spatial, something you can point at, then the locative suffixes
will work.  Please try to point to a language.  Now try to point from a
room.  Which one works?

Stardate 98602.4

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