tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Aug 03 00:00:24 1998

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Re: KLBC - buv vagh DIp mojaqmey vImuSqu'chu'qu'.

Someone recently mentioned to me what a brutal experience it was
having his first KLBC post dissected by me, so now I'm edgy about
scaring away people I've never even met.  How to reassure anyone? 
It's expected that you make errors.  Most of the error are familiar
and a normal part of the learning process.  You can read the book a
hundred times by yourself, each time noticing one or two things new,
or you can just post and have the things you missed revealed
publically.  I am being really really sincere when I say it doesn't
make you look stupid.  Often it makes you look smart, as I think to
myself, 'hey look, K'Whatsit tried that construction and look how
close he got,' or 'wow, what a creative way Q'whosit tried to solve
that problem.'  Think about if you have suggestions on how to make the
delurking experience less painful.

---Burt Clawson <[email protected]> wrote:
> KLBC - buv vagh DIp mojaqmey vImuSqu'chu'qu'.
> vaj vIlo'nISbej jay':
> QongDaqvamDaq tu'lu' toqvIr lung QeH.

The /lung/ needs to be the object of the verb /tu'/.

QongDaqvamDaq lung tu'lu'.

> toqvIr lungmo' QeH jIQonglaHbe'.

Have another look at section 4.4.  When you use a type-5 noun suffix
on a noun that is modified with an 'adjective', put the type 5 noun
suffix on the sdjective, not the noun.

lung QeHmo' jIQonglaHbe'

> ghaHvaD Soj bIH yaDDu'wIj'e' Harmo' 'e' choptaH.

The type 5 is fine here, but the rest of the sentence gets exciting.
What is the object of /Har/?  It's the sentence before it, right?  So
you need to use /'e'/ in its object position.  Ah I see, you've just
misplaced /'e'/ by one word.  The lung doesn't bite the sentence
before, so /'e'/ makes no sense as the object of /chop/.

ghaHvaD Soj bIH yaDDu'wIj'e' 'e' Harmo' choptaH

> chaq yaDDu'wIjvo' yuch vIteqnISlaw'.

bItlhaQ.  majQa'.


Qov - Beginners' Grammarian

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