tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Apr 30 08:23:39 1998

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Re: pab mu'mey

At 00:54 98-04-30 -0700, peHruS wrote:
}In a message dated 98-04-30 02:00:17 EDT, Qov writes:
}<< I expect the Klingon for "article" is something like CENSORED, assuming
} English was the first language with articles studied by Klingon grammarians.
}Daq pIm mu' chu' {QIrIt} DaghItlhpu'.  tlhIngan Hol mu'mey yI'oghQo', Qov!
}tlhIngan Hol ghojwI'pu' chu' DamISmoH 'ej chaq mu'meyvam qarbe' lo'Ha' chaH.
}Qob wanI'vam.  mu' {'I'} qun Daqaw'a'?

Fair enough.  WARNING ALL:  There is NO known Klingon word for "article."
My flippant speculation about vocabulary has no value. I was not attempting
to suggest that my transliteration of the word "article" was an actual
Klingon word.  The only person who can make up new Klingon words is Marc
Okrand, and anyone else's jokes have no bearing on the matter.  If you make
up your own words or grammar or use anyone else's made up words or grammar
you will be brutally savaged by the listmembers, and left in the sun for the
vultures to pick at.  You may not be able to tell which are the vultures and
which are the listmembers, either.


Qov     [email protected]
Beginners' Grammarian                 

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