tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Apr 29 23:56:00 1998

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Re: Much ado

In a message dated 98-04-30 00:07:33 EDT, Qermaq writes:

<< Can one just 'be patient'? I think so. Why not? I would accept <petuv>.
 Maybe I'm a maverick here, but it clearly isn't grammatically wrong, just
 >Still, this rule is broken sometimes.  How about {QaghlIj tIchID; yIyoH!}
 >"Have the courage to admit your mistakes"?  Is {yoH} a verb of state or a
 >verb of activity?  Can you say {loD yoH} "brave man"?
 Bravery is something you do - you are willing to act in fear. I see it as an
 active state - I have no problem with either <yIyoH> or <loD yoH>. Consider
 this too - just because we translate <yoH> as an adjective, do Klingons see
 it as a state? Do we have proof that verbs of state and action are so
 segregated? I think MO needs to address this. Till then, let's thrash it

Be careful, Qermaq.  I very often feel tlhIngan Hol could be a particular only
to have the experts on this listserv point out canon and rules trying to
convince me that my feelings do nothing to prove that anything but the limited
evidence we have from canon sources can ever be correct.

I like your feeling that {yItuv} and {petuv} can be correct.  At this time, I
must accept the proof pointed out by SuStel that {yItuv'eghmoH} is correct
because KGT says so explicitly.  I like your stating that MO needs to address
this (and many other points about which we discuss without proof) and let's
thrash this about.  I thrash debatable points about until I learn what we know
for sure, then I, as a member of KLI, must obey my oath to accept.


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