tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sat Apr 25 17:53:33 1998

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Re: QoywI' tojbogh SoQ

From: WestphalWz <[email protected]>

>SoQ law' muchmo' Albert Einstein, motlh ngermey qelbogh Qu'Daj vumqa' ghaH

Arrrrrrrgh!!!!!!!!!!!!!  {vum} is "work, toil," not "work on

Also, I think some aspect in the first part would do well.

SoQ law' muchpu'mo' Albert Einstein, motlh ngermeyDaj Dubqa' ghaH neH ghaH.

>'a latlh SoQ much ghaH neHbe' ghaH.  wa' ram 'uQDaq Qa'qoq Soplu' 'ej jeS
>Einstein chIjwI'Daj je.

What's a "so-called Kra"?  If you mean a type of Earth animal, simply say
{Ha'DIbaH}, or name the type of meat, e.g., "turkey."  (Probably a bad
example, given the alleged nature of the words for turkey.)  Then again, I'm
trying not to complain about Einstein walking around wearing a "navigator's
helmet" on top of his head (below) . . .

>chIjwI'vaD jatlh Einstein:  SoQmey law'mo' jIpuQ.
>Einstein qab porgh tIgh mIw je rur chIjwI' qab progh tIgh mIw je.

"The navigator's face, body, custom(s), and procedure(s) resembled
Einstein's face, body, custom(s), and procedure(s)."  It wasn't until after
the second reading, when I actually typed this out that I figured out what
this sentence meant.  How about a simple {rurchuqchu' Einstein chIjwI' je}?
Or, if you prefer the details, how about {Einstein qab porgh je rur chIjwI'
qab porgh je 'ej loQ Einstein Da chIjwI'}.  This avoids using the
inappropriate {tIgh} and {mIw}.

>vaj jatlh
>chIjwI':  qech vIghaj, pInwI'.

Now, THIS is an appropriate moment to use {toH} "aha!", not where you have

>loghmey law' SoQlIj vIQoypu'.

"Your speech(es) of many spaces"?

>wImuchmeH qatam 'e' vIngIl.

"I dare that I exchange you in order that we present that speech."

>From SkyBox S33 we have:

boq lucherDI' tlhIngan wo' romuluS Hov wo' je So'wI' cham Suqpu' tlhIngan
wo' chaq tampu'.  chaq romuluSnganpu'vaD pIvghor cham lunobpu' tlhInganpu'.
Cloaking technology was gained through an alliance with the Romulan Star
Empire, possibly in exchange for Warp Drive technology.

The {chaq tampu'} is stuck in the sentence rather strangely, but it gives us
some ideas of how to use {tam} "exchange, substitute."  One possibility is
that it takes no object at all: the sentence is referring to both Empires,
and saying they "exchanged."  "Made an exchange" might be a better

On the other hand, the object may be an elided pronoun.  In any case, the
subject seems to be the party or parties making an exchange.  {tam} is not
"exchange for."

It's not clear, but I'd suggest using {matam} "we exchange" if you're going
to use {tam} here at all.  Better yet, I'd say {qaDa 'ej choDa} "I behave as
you, and you behave as me."

>Hagh Einstein 'ej chuS, vaj jatlh:  qatlh maruchbe'?  Ha'.  maruch!
>'uQvetlhDaq pawDI' chaH, chIjwI' mIv tuQ Einstein 'ej pa' 'emDaq ba' ghaH.
>SoQ 'IHqu' much chIjwI'.  ghelpu'bogh nuvpu'vaD jangchu' je ghaH.

With aspect here, it *could* be argued that you've got it right, but I see
the aspect as talking about something which happened before the speech.
Asking questions is a dynamic thing, not something which happens in its
entirety and then stops, before the answer comes.  Thus, I'd say {ghelbogh
nuvpu'vaD jangchu'}.  Better yet, {luyu'bogh nuvpu'vaD jangchu'}.

>gheltaHvIS wa' ghojmoHwI' Hemqu', qoH ghaHbe'bej 'e' tobmeH ghaH, 'uj
>Saw' SovDaj,

"His knowledge has a depth of MANY {'uj}'s in order that he prove that he is
definitely not a fool."

I think you wanted more than one purpose clause here.  Also, consider that
knowledge having depth is an idiom, which Klingons may or may not share.

>vuDmey puS qelta' ghaH 'ej ghel:  chay' chen rugh?
>loSbe' chIjwI' 'ej chIch ghojmoHwI'vam bejchu' 'ej jang:

Once more, I'm not saying they're wrong, but I ask you: do those
conjunctions actually serve any purpose at all?

>qaH, ngeDqu'
>Dajanglu'meH Qu'.  toH.

"Aha!" does not belong here.

>Dujang chIjwI'wI' 'e' vIchaw'.

I don't know about the original, but this would definitely be more effective
if you added a topicalizer: {Dujang chIjwI'wI''e' 'e' vIchaw'} "I will
permit my NAVIGATOR to answer you."  (That's how easy it is.)

> DaH pa' 'emDaq ba'taH

tlhaQ lutvam.  DaH batlh bImugh.  majQa'.

Stardate 98315.9

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