tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Apr 16 18:18:52 1998

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Re: *Netherlands*nganpu' qepHom?

I'm not correcting everything in thi exchange, because I think it's more
important that people be able to just talk, than that they get every nit
picked immediately, bit a couple of points ...

At 09:24 98-04-16 -0700, Albert wrote:

}> qajang 'e' vInID
}should be: SoHvaD vIjang 'e' vInID ??

A very reasonable question.  It has turned out from examples and asking Marc
Okrand about it that Klingon verb prefixes can be used to show first and
second person indirect objects, so that either {SoHvaD jIjang} or {qajang}
is acceptable.  {SoHvaD vIjang} would be "I answered it/him/her/them for
you," which probably isn't what was meant.

{SoHvaD taj vInob.}  "I give the knife to you"
{taj qanob} "I give you the knife."

}>SaH'a' 'ar *Netherlands*nganpu' NaDev?

You're asking "How many Netherlanders are there here?"

In Klingon the locative always goes first, so start with {naDev} (note
When you use a question word like {'ar} the suffix {-'a'} isn't used for
questions: {-'a'} denotes a yes/no question.
{'ar} goes AFTER the thing being counted, and that thing is never plural
when used with {'ar}.

naDev SaH *Netherlands*ngan 'ar? - how many Netherlanders are present here?
naDev *Netlherlands*ngan 'ar tu'lu'? - how many Netherlanders are here?

}>wa' *Netherlands*ngan naDev. 

Equally, {naDev wa' Netherlandngan tu'lu'}.  

}>*QomwI'* ghaH *Netherlands*ngan je 'e'. 

The {je} goes after the verb, in this case the pronoun-as-verb. to mean "also."
The {-'e'} is a noun suffix and must alays be attached to a noun.
And OVS order is maintained in this kind of sentence.  So:

*Netherlands*ngan ghaH je QomwI''e'

QomwI' is a Netherlander, too.

Qov     [email protected]
Beginners' Grammarian                 

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