tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Apr 13 19:50:36 1998

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KBLC: A Little Story

Hello all

I was bored and watching Sesame Street when I thought up a quick little story.
So I wrote it down. 

'IQ loDHom
qatlh 'IQ?
targhDaj chIlmo'
chay' 'e' vISov?
targhDaj jIHmo'
'ach DaH jIchIlbe'
'ej loDHomvaD vIchegh
'ej DaH 'IQbe' loDHom

The boy is sad
Why is he sad?
Because he lost his targ
How do I know that?
Because I am his targ
But now I am not lost
And I return to the boy
And now the boy is not sad.

The story is bad, but it's just to test my tlhIngan Hol, not my composition. I
prolly made loads of errors, but I tried to keep it simple. Any help will be


Aspiring Klingon Linguist


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