tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Apr 13 08:14:36 1998

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Re: muD Dotlh...again

From: Terrence Donnelly <[email protected]>

>Assuming {peD} and {SIS} take any subject at all, I'd tend towards {chal}.
>Experientially, you observe rain or snow falling from somewhere overhead,
>i.e., from the sky.  {muD} seems to me to be more all-encompassing; the
>atmosphere reaches all the way to the ground.  Since rain and snow don't
>precipitate out of the atmosphere all around us, I don't think {muD} in
>general would be considered the source of the precipitation.

But this goes against the explanation of {muD Dotlh}.  If the correct
subject were {chal}, wouldn't the phrase be {chal Dotlh}?  It's not.  One
never asks another about the condition of the weather at his feet, yet one
could claim that {muD Dotlh} could mean exactly that.  Yet {muD Dotlh} is
the correct term.

Does this make sense:

tlhIngan wa': muD Dotlh nuq?
tlhIngan cha': SIS chal.

The first Klingon didn't ask for the status of the sky, he asked for the
status of {muD}.  I'm sure he expects the answer to be about {muD}.

Stardate 98282.3

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