tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sun Apr 12 19:49:04 1998

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Re: Saj chu'

From: Stauffer, Tad E (STAUFTE7) <[email protected]>

>Daj lutvam 'ej vIyajmo' jIQuch (tlhIngan Hol vIqeqnIStaH). "Erasmus"'e'
>pongDaj vIghov (I hope that grammar is correct, I remember the addendum
>of TKD using {HaqwI''e' DaH yISam} ).

The grammar is about switching the places of the adverbial and the object,
by adding {-'e'} to the object.  This was apparently added to the Addendum
because of the line in Star Trek VI: {chang'e' DaH Sam} "Find Chang now!"
(Actually, it sounded more like {changey Da Sam}.)

>De'wI' Quj vIQuj. <Sub Qu'> 'oH

Qujvam vIQujpu'!  De'wI' taHomDaq tu'lu'taH.  chaq QaplaH.

>'ej "rat" ngaS Quj.  "rat"vam (Fenrus) ghaj "wizard"
>(Erasmus), 'ej jatlhlaH "rat"vam.  (pong mung 'oHlaw' Qujvam'e').

qarbe'.  pongna' 'oH *Erasmus*'e'.  cha' *Erasmus* Del De'wI'wIj qawHaq.

wa': *Erasmus Darwin*.  cha'vatlh javmaH Soch ben bogh, wa'vatlh HutmaH cha'
ben Hegh.  Qel qonwI' je ghaH.  *Charles Darwin* vavnI' ghaH.

cha': *Desiderius Erasmus*.  'IH pongvam!  vaghvatlh wejmaH cha' ben bogh
(chaq qarbe' DIS), loSvatlh javmaH cha' ben Hegh.  *Dutch* qonwI' ghaH.
lalDan choHwI'pu' SIghmo' ghItlhmeyDaj, ghaHvaD <*Reformation* vav> lupong
nuv law'.

Stardate 98279.7

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