tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sat Apr 11 12:22:26 1998

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Re: KLBC "Locative"

At 23:13 98-04-10 -0700, you wrote:
}I was reading over page 29-30 of the TKD,(bottom), the sentence: pa'
} my quarters.
}Concerning  the necessity of -Daq, the type 5 locative suffix in this
}sentence. For instance, If someone were to say "where did you put the keys"
}wouldn't it be just as correct to say [my quarters] instead of [in my
}quarters]? considering that klingons are not as wordy as humans.
}The [] seems to indicate location.

It only indicates possession.

}ex. Q.   Where are the keys?
}     A.   my quarters.

If you are not going to answer in a complete sentence, you can point and
grunt, say {pa'}, {pa'wIj}, {pa'wIjDaq} or {targhlIj 'o'Daq}.  Just as in
English you can point and grunt, say "quarters," "my quarters," or "in my

If you are going to use a complete sentence, you need the locative.  You
wouldn't say "The keys my quarters" and call that a correct English sentence.

{pa'wIjDaq bIH} - They are in my quarters.


Qov     [email protected]
Beginners' Grammarian                 

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