tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Apr 10 23:33:48 1998

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Re: KLBC "Locative"

ghItlh valQIS:

>Concerning the necessity of -Daq, the type 5 locative suffix in this
>sentence. For instance, If someone were to say "where did you put the keys"
>wouldn't it be just as correct to say [my quarters] instead of [in my
>quarters]? considering that klingons are not as wordy as humans.

Not to address the grammar - but that last statement is a generalization.

"Where's the bathroom?" 3 words, 4 syllables - I could re-phrase it and lose
a syllable.
<nuqDaq 'oH puchpa''e'> 3 words, but 6 syllables. We could clip it to 2
words and 4 syllables, but still it is longer than English.

"You're the best!" 3 words, 3 syllables.
<SoH QaQ law' Hoch QaQ puS> 6 words, 6 syllables.

"Go away!" 2 words, 3 syllables.
<naDevvo' yIghoS> 2 words, 5 syllables

Sure, we often find the Klingon to be more concise than the English
equivalent, but not always. I'd advise anyone to make the error of being too
precise than not precise enough. "Klingons might not always be accurate, but
they are never approximate."


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