tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Apr 09 09:57:13 1998

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*Butterflies* wIghaj

qaStaHvIS *Christmas*, puqloDpu'wI'vaD *Butterfly* ngong nob SoSwI'. juHHom
ghojmoHmeH nav je ngaS ngong. Hu' puS *catepillars* wIje'. HIvje' SoQDaq
paw. yIloS 'ej  yIvangbe' ra' ghojmoHmeH nav. qaS jaj puS 'ej tInchoH
*catepillars*. HIvje' DungDaq *chrysalides* luchenmoH. nav 'oH HIvje'
DungDaq'e'. juHHomDaq nav lan be'nalwI'. qaS wej jaj 'ej *chrysalis*Daj
ghor *butterfly* wa'DIch. qaS cha' rep paw *butterfly* cha'DIch *butterfly*
wejDIch je. tugh vagh *butterflies* DIlegh. *Painted Lady* lupong. SochleS
DItlhabmoH. chaq mangongqa'.

SI'IluD talks about a butterfly experiment that my mother gave my sons for
Christmas. The kit included instructions and a "home" for the butterflies.
Several days ago we bought the catepillars. They came in a glass container
with instructions to do nothing except wait. The catepillars grew and
formed chrysalides at the top of the container. The top was made of paper
which my wife pinned to the butterfly home. After three days, the first
butterfly came out of his chrysalis. Two hours later, the second and third
butterflies arrived. Soon we were looking at five butterflies. They are
called "Painted Lady". We will release them in a week. Perhaps we will do
the experiment again.

wa'Hu' jIboghbe'

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