tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Apr 06 09:33:56 1998

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I've just posted v.4 of my KLIFLASH vocabulary program to my Website.
It's only been 2 months since I posted v.3 (which brought the wordlist
up to date through KGT), but I had some excellent suggestions and I was
on a role, so I just kept going.

New with v.4:

1. a Personal List mode: you can add any vocabulary word to this list
and keep it there as long as you like.

2. a timer: you can try to beat the clock entering your answers.

3. you can restrict your question type to text-only or multiple-choice only.

4. This one's kind of hard to describe: in ranks above Beginner, certain
classes of words take their possible multiple-choice answers from a
restricted subset of the total wordlist.  For example, if the word being
tested is a prefix, you will get only other prefixes as possible answers
in a multiple-choice list; or, if you are studying a special list, your
possible answers will come only from that list.  (The idea being to make it
harder to just guess at the right answer by eliminating the ones that
obviously don't fit.)

5. there are also a few refinements of previous features (notably, you can
turn off the Errors List trapping and erase the Errors List altogether).

v. 4 is compatible with any previous version of the program. You can find
the program at

-- ter'eS

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