tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Apr 02 10:54:39 1998

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mulughmoH ghunchu'wI'

>maj.  SoHvaD lutHomvam vIpojqang.

    I'll point the things I considered more important.
I used many of your comment in the second part. 

>>   (tamchoH jupDaj 'ej jatlh):
>>    (his friend become quiet and said
>You've correctly translated the words, but think about the idea for a 
>moment.  Can someone really become quiet and speak at the same time? 

    There are 3 actions. He become quiet, think about for few 
minutes (implicity) and then he said. Pehaps (tamchoH jupDaj. vaj jatlh)
could be better.

>>- vay'vaD Daja'chugh vaj bI..
>>- If you say it to anyone I ..
>You can probably leave off the {-vaD}.  We know the object of {ja'} 
>can be the person being told.  

       It's causing me some confusion. In this case, the object
of {jatlh} is the thing that the man knows and {vay'} is
the indirect object. (If you say that thing to anyone) or
(if you comment this thing).

>The naked prefix {bI-} is "you", not
>"I", but since the verb is missing it's not really that important.

    vImughHa'  :-((   {bI-} is right.  The whole sentence should
be:  {vay'vaD Daja'chugh vaj bIHegh}.  (If you say it to anyone
you will die).

>>   (bong qoH qep)
>>    (Acidently he met a fool)
>{qep} "meeting" is a noun.  I think you want {ghom} "meet, encounter".
>{bong} is indeed "accidentally", but I don't quite understand why you
>used it here.

    {rut qoH ghom}  (sometimes he encoutered a fool)  better?

>>- *hummm* Sovlu'meH Doch tu'lu' 'ach 'e' DaSovbe', qar'a'
>>- hummm .. so .. there is something to know but you don't know that, right?
>{Sovlu'meH Doch tu'lu'} is probably okay for "there is something to
>know", but it has a very odd sound to it.  I'd say {Doch Sovlu'} 
>"something is known" instead.  Any time you find yourself using 
>{tu'lu'} in a sentence with another verb, consider rephrasing it to 
>use that other verb as the main one of the sentence.
>Which "that" do you mean in "you don't know that"?  Is it the previous
>sentence, or is it the thing which is not known?  Using {'e'} says to 
>me "There's something to know, but you don't know that there is 
>something to know."  If instead you mean "There's something to know, 
>but you don't know what that thing is", you should use {Dochvetlh}.

    It's really very confused sentence, but it is the real idea.

>>   (wa'nI' poj qoH 'ej jatlh):
>>    (the fool analised the circunstances and said):
>I won't complain too much about this {'ej}, but it still seems like it
>would work as two separate sentences, and you'll get a lot less grief 
>from some people about its style if you do it that way. :-)

    :-))   {wa'nI' poj qoH. vaj jatlh}  should sounds better.

>>- Dochvetlh yIja'Qo'
>>- Don't tell that
>{Dochvetlh} is good for "that", but I still don't think it's a valid 
>object for {ja'}.  Maybe {vay' yIja'Qo'} "don't tell anyone"?

    I think there is 2 different ways to express the idea. The
same thing to verb {nob}. {Dujvam chonob} "give me the ship"
or {jIHvaD Duj Danob} "give the ship to me".      

>>- bISov ..
>>- You know ..
>The ".." here seems to indicate that there's something more to the 
>sentence.  It would have to be an object, so it should be {DaSov}. 
>I've got no idea what that object would be, though.  What does the 
>fool mean here?

    This is the "soul" of the joke. There is something to be known
but nobody knows what.  :-))

>Not bad.  I hope I haven't given you too much to concentrate on.  If

    I'm trying to improve my klingon. Unfortunatly I don't have
much time to concentrate, but all your comments are ever wellcome
and I try to apply them in my next works.   Next weekend I'll
travell to Rio de Janeiro, the "Carnaval city" and I'll try to
resume my "report" of Carnaval. There is a punch of our most 
famous music rythm: Samba  ehehhe .. of course, the (') is missing.

>I'm eagerly awaiting the rest of this to find out what the joke is...

    Let's see it in the next msg.  

Eduardo Fonseca || Belo Horizonte, Brasil
Pau Brasil: The brazilian's VGA Planets home page
Hovmey DIvan

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