tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Apr 01 21:57:46 1998

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Re: my new dog.

At 12:08 98-03-28 -0800, Princess Leia wrote:
}If you detects any misstakes in this following text, I would be glad if 
}youll correct me. I might have written the words in the wrong order or 
}something. Anyway, here it comes:

Yeah, there are a few words in the wrong order.  There are lots of tricks to

}qorDu'wIj 'ej jIH, je' *dog* mawuqpu'.
}I actually wanted to say that my family
}and I are going to buy a dog,

Reread section 6.1.  The object of the sentence comes first, then the verb
and last the subject.  Also reread section 4.1.1.  Every single time you
write a Klingon verb, you must consider which prefix to put on it.  There
are no infinitives in Klingon.  Every verb has a subject, present, implied
or indefinite, and the subject plus the object or lack of object must be
indicated by the prefix.  In Klingon the conjunctions joining nouns are
different from those joining verbs, and the noun conjunctions follow all the
joined nouns (see section 5.3).  Finally, when you say that you decide, or
see or know or <any verb> something, wher ethat something is an action with
another verb, you need to use the sentence as object construction.  Have a
look at section 6.2.5 and see if you can work out what I have done with
{'e'} in the sentence below.

*dog* wIje' qorDu'wIj jIH je 'e' wIwuq.

"My family and I decided to buy a dog."

The {-pu'} that you put on would correctly indcate that as of the time you
are considering the decision to buy the dog is complete, but we don't use
perfective suffixes after {'e'} so that's taboo.

}DaH, wIpongnIS. 
}we're thinking of a name for it.


}pong chup 'Iv? be' *dog*taH.
}I'm willing to hear any suggestions. The dog will be a female. :)

See section 6.3 for how to handle 'to be' when you have two nouns.

be' 'oH *dog*'e'.

}If this is too messy ...

If you want feedback on your grammar, always include a translation.  I can
correct things faster and in more detail if I know exactly what you are
trying to say.

Qov     [email protected]
Beginners' Grammarian                 

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