tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Oct 13 14:42:37 1997

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Re: it's difficult to endure the pain

At 08:58 97-10-13 -0700, edy wrote:
}ja' ghunchu'wI'
}> >> You could change it to "It's difficult for me to endure the pain."
}> >> {'oy' vISIQtaHvIS Qatlh ghu'} if that was what you meant.
}> >
}> >	We can change the sentence, but the main idea is lost.
}> >"The situation is difficult while I'm enduring the pain"
}> The main idea is lost?  The main idea is the difficulty experienced by
}> the one enduring the pain.  There are many ways to phrase it without
}> "losing" the idea.
}	There are 2 sentences:  "The pain is difficult for one endure" and
}"The situation is difficult while I'm enduring  the pain".
}	Their subjects are completly different and their meaning too.
}In the first sentence, there is difficulty for everyone and in the second, only
}for me.  Okay .. not the main idea, but their meaning is.

Then be clear about what the meaning is.  Klingon *does* have the tools to
get the meaning across.  Klingon is often MORE specific so we were guessing
about the meaning. A person could say "the pain is difficult to endure " and
be talking about herself, or in general.

Qov     [email protected]
Beginners' Grammarian                 

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