tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sun Feb 25 20:25:36 1996

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Checking the time

I was just watching an old Star Trek: The Next Generation episode.  Picard
asks the computer the time.  Specifically, he says "Time."  The computer
responds.  Now, between Klingons, telling one that your chronometer is broken
and expecting the other to tell you the time is all very well and good, but
trying to do this with a computer smacks of idiom.  Say a Klingon was alone
in a room which had a computer terminal.  How would he find out what time it

I believe that any solution for the "What time is it?" question should be
able to take this situation into account.  Thus, the "my watch has stopped"
attempts do not fit the bill.  I guess we just won't know.


Hovjaj 96153.2

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