tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sat Dec 28 05:03:25 1996

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mu'tlheghmeywIj chorghDIch vImugh

 > la' Heghtel yo'  <--------PS is this right "Commander Deathwing Fleet"

{Heghtel} is okay as "Deathwing", it follows the rules for compound nouns (at
least you picked two nouns!).  And {Heghtel yo'} is correct as well, if you
consider it as "Fleet of the Deathwing".  (I belong to the {maS Hurgh yo'}

The rank, though, should be last.  {Heghtel yo' la'}.  "Deathwing fleet's

Also, you need to decide in your own mind if {la'} or {ra'wI'} is more
appropriate for "commander" in this context.  I personally prefer to use
{ra'wI'} as the *position* of commander, and {la'} as the *rank* of commander.
 Why?  Ranks almost never translate across unrelated languages the same way
(how do you get "captain" from the German "Hauptmann", except that their
relative positions in the rank heirarchy are the same).  {ra'wI'}, however,
*means* "one who commands, one who orders" - the perfect transaltion of the
*position* of commander.

In my .sig below, you'll find me listed as {tlhIngan wo' Duj quttaj ra'wI'}:
Commander of the Imperial Klingon Vessel Crystal Dagger.

(Also, for those who cringe at seeing klingonaase Honorifics mixed into
tlhIngan Hol names, I have altered my .sig to better reflect "proper" tlhIngan
Hol.  Comments are appreciated, especially by others in organized fandom where
such Honorifics are used.)

|       Qob la', qutvaj tuq *sutai*     tlhIngan wo' Duj quttaj ra'wI'  |
| Qojbogh tlhIngan ghom, maS Hurgh yo', *Northern* jogh, jogh boQDu''a' |
|                  === tlhIngan Hol yejHaD ghojwI' ===                  |
|               Fido: Bill Willmerdinger, 1:2613/477.1701               |
|         E-mail: [email protected]   [email protected]         |

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