tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Dec 27 14:50:59 1996

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RE: Use of Verbs + types + -wI'

December 27, 1996 2:29 AM, jatlh peHruS:

> DIpmey law' nop tlhIngan Hol wIyajbogh
> TKD*Daq ghItlh Okrand     (begin paraphrase:::) This dictionary does not
> include words for flora and fauna, and many items on the planets' surface,
> mostly only the words for conversation of the bridge of a starship.  (end)

Actually, Okrand does not mention anything about Klingon being known only 
concerning spaceship terminology.  Certainly, it is mentioned that for a long 
time the Federation only understood Klingon as it was used during battle, but 
how does this explain words like {mavjop} or {noSvagh}?  Besides, when writing 
a Klingon story, I discovered that there was no word for "tractor beam."  I 
invented a phrase which covered this lack.

> (begin another)  Maltz has not provided us with all the words which Klingons
> use.  (end)
> By inference, I think there are lots more Klingon words within the tlhIngan
> wo'.  I, a Terran student of tlhIngan Hol, am curious as to what they are.

I quite agree.  We don't know many words.  ***But that doesn't mean they are 
nouns!!!***  It's likely that a high percentage of these words are verbs.  
They're used much more in Klingon.

Those nouns we don't know are likely to be specific to Klingons.  That's why 
we don't know them.  From KCD we know that {ghIntaq} is "battle spear," 
{cha'nob} is "ritual gifts," and {raHta'} is a type of Klingon food which is 
really bad when it's half-dead.  Obviously, the Federation didn't know about 
these words until later because they are very specific to Klingon culture!  
But the words *you* want to invent, like "kitchen" and "dining room," aren't 
there because they're not very important to Klingons!  Heck, even {parmaq} 
doesn't just mean "love," but "love, Klingon style, and we're not sure yet how 
it's used."  You see?  These nouns are more Klingon oriented, and so less 
routinely functional in sentences.

> Back to reality -- yes, I definitely would like to see more tlhIngan Hol.
>  Impatiently, apparently, I await much more from our language's creator
> (instead of fantasizing merely on going to Kronos and learning those words
> from the natives).  Even in this verb-oriented language, nouns are 

Sure.  They have a category of their own.  One of three: {wotmey}, {DIpmey}, 
{chuvmey}.  But there are plenty more verbs than there are nouns, and for a 
reason: they're used much more frequently.

> BTW, since we have QongDaq for bed, I have been using the words SopDaq,
> ghItlhDaq, and vutDaq.  OTOH, I would never say ba'Daq, as we have quS.

If we didn't have {quS}, you *would* say *{ba'Daq}.  Then, when {quS} was 
"discovered," you'd suddenly be absolutely wrong!  {QongDaq} is a noun.  It is 
not the modern Klingon word {Qong} with a noun suffix on it, and it is not 
{Qong} with the noun {Daq} on it.  It is {QongDaq}.  Perhaps in the 
(fictional) development of Klingon these were originally seperate elements, 
but they are not now!  As far as I am concerned, your words above are illegal, 
and would be balked at by Klingons.

{SopmeH pa'}.  {ghItlhmeH beQwI'}.  {vutmeH pa'}.  Heck, I'd even agree to 
{Sojpa'}.  See?  Verbs.  They work miracles.

> I have noticed an increase in words dealing with customs and foods, at least
> since TKW's publication.  Personally, I hope this trend continues!!!

Also from KCD.

Beginners' Grammarian
Stardate 96990.9

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