tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Dec 24 20:33:22 1996

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ST5 transcript (was RE: KLBC: best & worst)

|December 24, 1996 1:22 PM, jatlh Voragh:
|> FWIW, Vixis flatters captain Klaa in ST5 with:
|>   qIbDaq SuvwI' SoH Dun law' Hoch Dun puS 
|>     You would be the greatest warrior in the galaxy.
|Actually, I have a little problem with this transcription.  I hear (well, 
|heard, I don't have the time tonight to take it out), "qIbDaq SuvwI' SoH law' 
|Dun Hoch Dun puS}.  There may also be another syllable between {SuvwI'} and 

Listen again; I did. It is: SoH Dun law' Hoch Dun puS. If you have the same
commercial version in the slip case that I do it's 33:20 min. into the
tape. Spice Williams pronounces {SoH} as /shosh/.  You're right about the
extra syllable, though: I just now heard a little /'ih/ after SuvwI': 

     qIbDaq SuvwI''e' SoH Dun law' Hoch Dun puS    (?)

I'm not sure if this is {-'e'}, {'e'} or if she's just releasing her
breath audibly after carefully enunciating the glottal stop.

|Also, what's {SuvwI'} doing in this sentence?  It's sort of stuck on the 
|front, not functioning at all.

I didn't write the line, I just transcribed what I heard. It seems to be
two sentences run together:
   qIbDaq SuvwI' SoH.           "You are a warrior in the galaxy."
   SoH Dun law' Hoch Dun puS.   "You are greatest of all."

This is why I wanted to finally thrash out a version of the movie
transcripts that we can all agree on -- or at least one with the most
points in common.  After all if we don't agree on what is canon, we can't
use it to prove or disprove anything. I think many of the points we argue
over can be solved by using the movie dialogue--especially as evidence of
colloquial Klingon. (For example, people use more incomplete sentences in
colloquial usage, relying on context to provide clarity.) This material has
just been unavailable in a form we can all use. Since not everyone can take
the time to transcribe and check study the movie material for themselves,
it is too frequently ignored. A wasted resource.

charghwI' was going to go over ST5 with me line by line, but real life
seems to have claimed all his free time and forced him to withdraw from
this list. The group effort at deciphering the untranslated shop scene at
the beginning of Power Klingon a few weeks ago was quite successful.
Several people had each figured a piece of the puzzle the others lacked. 

Does anyone else want to try this? Your Klingon doesn't have to be perfect,
you just need to have copies of the films, a good set of ears and (ideally) 
a good stereo sound system. The first step is to transcribe what we hear,
then try to figure out what the actors were trying to say. Too many of us
here have done this backwards: we read the subtitle, mentally
back-translate the words, then listen to the Klingon line. Result: we often
hear what we expect to hear. I'm not saying I haven't done this myself, but
just last month I painstakingly re-transcribed ST3, ST5 and ST6 so they're
fresh in my mind. 

Let me know if you want to do this and I'll post my version of the
transcript to get the text into everyone's e-mailer as a starting point.


-- Voragh

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