tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Dec 23 15:30:12 1996

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RE: lommey (story, part 9)

December 23, 1996 5:07 AM, jatlh peHruS:

> << > SuStel, reH maQochbe'laH.  tlhIngan tighmey DIHaDnIStaH. >>
> Although you got {lommey} right, as opposed to the incorrect {lomDu'},
> because the corpse is no longer a sentient being,

Um . . . {-Du'} is the body parts plural.  Why would anyone want to say 

> I question the use of
> {tIghmey}.  Shouldn't that be an inherent plural?  Therefore, I suggest
> {tIgh} as sufficient.

We have no way of knowing this that I can recall.  The only two instances of 
the word in use that I know are in the title of TKW: {tlhIngan tIgh}, and on 
KCD, in the game where Gowron says "You do not see the {tIgh} which shapes our 
every act" (or something like that).  The first could simply be a case of not 
using the optional plural suffix, and the second one is just an actor putting 
a Klingon word in an English sentence.  The grammars are not at all 
compatible, and I am not prepared to make assumptions on plurality of Klingon 
words from it.  Therefore, I see no way to support your conclusion.

Beginners' Grammarian
Stardate 96979.9

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