tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Dec 18 14:08:52 1996

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KLBC: "Excalibur" vImugh

DochvetlhvaD maw' parmaq ponglu'bogh 'oHvaD, nuv mIpbe' voDleH je charghbogh
mISvetlh maw' . . . Qo'! not!

". . . all for this lunacy called love, this mad distemper that strikes down
both beggar and king . . . never again! Never!"
                               -Merlin, "Excalibur"
This seemed appropriate deeming the recent discussion over love.

HIqlIj DanuDDI', qaSpu'be'bogh wanI'mey DanuD. 'oH Datlhutlhta'be'chugh, nuq
DaSovbej? 'ej vaj SoH paSqu'ba' . . . . paSqu'.

"Looking at the cake's like looking at the future; until you've tasted it,
what do you really know? And then, of course, it's too late . . . . too late."
                               -Merlin, "Excalibur"
In light of the fact that a suspicious Klingon would likely inspect his
drink for poison (and there's no word for cake), I've changed the subject to

Hovjaj 96966.3

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