tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Dec 17 09:08:22 1996

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Re: KLBC: 'e' as a pronoun.

>Date: Mon, 16 Dec 1996 20:17:32 -0800
>From: "David Trimboli" <[email protected]>
>December 16, 1996 5:31 AM, jatlh Mago:
>> I am intending to say "Due to the breeze I'm sad / Because I don't see her 
>hair waving in the wind" (yes, yes, I know a Klingon would never say that, but 
>I'm just testing my skills :)! )
>> I've worked out:
>> SuSmo' jI'IQ
>> SuSDaq joq jIbDaj 'e'mo' vIleghbe'
>> And now the question: Is 'e'mo' acceptable? I mean, can 'e', as a pronoum, 
>admit name 
>> suffixes? I think so, but I'm not sure...
>"Noun suffixes"?  This has been debated before.  There's no canon to support 
>it, and it's unlikely.  {'e'} has a very special role in sentences, and 
>probably cannot be tinkered with.

I agree.  Hearing *any* suffix on "'e'" makes my flesh creep.  If you want
to use "*'e'mo'", what's wrong with putting the verb-suffix -mo' on the
verb of the first sentence?  That's what you mean, isn't it?

Oh, and regarding "waving in the wind," see Okrand's translation of that
very sentence on p.28 of the dictionary.  The "in" in English isn't the
best preposition, as you'll see.


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