tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Dec 16 21:01:56 1996

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:> and if I want to say "I'm living on a big  planet" :
:Your second attempt is closer.  When you use a verb as an adjective (to 
:describe something; any verb which begins with "be --"), it always comes 
:*after* the noun it's describing.
:You need to add the {-Daq} again.  However, there's a funny little rule on TKD 
:page 50 which says that Type 5 noun suffixes must be attached to the adjective 
:of a noun, if it has one, not the noun itself.
:yuQ tInDaq jIyIn.

It may be helpful to think of it as an expandable phrase:
	(yuQ)Daq jIyIn.
	(yuQ tIn)Daq jIyIn.
	(yuQ tInqu')Daq jIyIn.


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