tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sat Dec 14 17:44:45 1996

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RE: newbie

December 12, 1996 10:00 AM, jatlh Mago:

> Hi everyone! I'm a beginner in tlhingan hol from Spain, and just found out
> this great mail list... glad about that, because I have no one to ask for
> help here in Spain...

Hello, Mago.  I'm SuStel, the list's Beginners' Grammarian.  My job is to 
monitor the discussion of beginners' topics and give a helping hand whenever 
necessary.  If you put KLBC in the topic, it signals everyone that this is a 
beginners' level conversation, and it also signals me to read and reply to it, 
quick!  I will be the first to respond to your KLBC questions, but please also 
don't correct anyone else who posts KLBC before I've had a shot at it!

If you haven't yet, visit

It's got plenty of information for you, including a link to the mailing list's 

> I'd be most appreciative if someone could help me with a translation... I
> intend to say "Why did I have to be born?" or, most accurate, "Why did they
> have to have me born?" (excuse me for the jerky translation from Spanish
> to English... I think it should be something like
> qatlh vIboghnISlu'pu'
> though I'm not sure... can anyone lend me a hand?

You're not that far off the mark (although it's not a very Klingon thing to 
say!).  If you are simply asking "Why was I born?" all you need to say is

qatlh jIbogh?
Why was I born?

Since Klingon doesn't have tense, you don't need to indicate it.  It will be 
understood by context.  For example,

wa'Hu' jIbogh.
I was born yesterday.

wa'leS jIHegh.
I will die tomorrow.

Beginners' Grammarian
Stardate 96955.7

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