tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Dec 13 14:43:04 1996

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RE: names of letters

December 12, 1996 5:17 PM, jatlh jo'Saq:

> Does the Klingon alphabet have spellings (that we know of), or do the
> letters merely exist?  My guess is that they do, but we don't know what
> they are. 

[chalDaq nachDaj pep SuStel 'ej jach]

This should be one for the FAQ.

No, we don't have names for Klingon letters.

We also don't have Klingon letters.

Since we don't know anything about how to use {pIqaD}, how can we know what to 
call its characters?  The writing system we use in our Romanized transcription 
system IS NOT USED BY KLINGONS!  For all we know, they don't organize their 
language consonants and vowels.

Just refer to the sounds by pronouncing them.  That's what Okrand does on the 
language tapes.  I don't remember the exact quote, but there's one spot in one 
of them where Okrand says "When pronouncing Klingon {Q}."  He simply makes a 
{Q} sound.

Beginners' Grammarian
Stardate 96952.6

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