tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sun Dec 08 11:48:33 1996

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Re: Why bother with pong?

ja' ~mark:
>True enough, and I've come out against "X jIH" as a naming statement
>But I recently was thinking back to my own usage, and I realize that I
>*have* said "*Mark Shoulson* jIH" on occasion.  Not in order to inform
>someone of my name, but on the phone, when I called someone who knows me
>already (by name if not voice), so they knew who called.  I wonder if that
>is different from giving someone your name, and if I can logically support
>it for this purpose but not for naming.  Or if I should drop it
>altogether.  Just something I realized about my own past usage.

Before I attended qep'a' wejDIch, I actually put some real thought into
how to introduce myself.  I've always been quite firm in my refusal to
give my name as {ghunchu'wI' jIH}, but I decided it was actually a good
way to let people know that *I* am "the ghunchu'wI'", the one who had
been getting worn down with all the BG work for the previous six months.
Since I expected many of the attendees to know me, or at least know *of*
me, I didn't have a problem with using the phrase as an identification.
I still dislike it for a first-time introduction; I don't think that it
is a good way to tell someone what your name is.

-- ghunchu'wI'

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