tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sun Dec 08 11:48:32 1996

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Re: jaH

ja'pu' SuStel:
>>Actually, this is just one of those uncertain verbs.  "Orbit" does mean
>>"go in
>>a circle around," so it could be {yuQ vIbav}.  However, English can use it
>>intransitively, too, as in "I've been orbiting for nine hours."  Now all you
>>have to do is say *where* this takes place.  {yuQDaq jIbav} would work in

ja' ~mark:
>Nah, that';s not different than "Sop" which can be used in "I've been
>eating for hours."  Just an ellipsized object.

I think there *is* a difference.  One definition is "move around a center
of attraction" -- the intransitive definition.  Another is "move around
(a center of attraction)" -- the transitive one.  If the concept of the
center of attraction is included in the definition, it should not be used
as the verb's direct object.  If there were a verb {Soj} "eat food", it
could not be used transitively in the same way as {Sop} "eat".  We still
don't have any real evidence of whether {bav} *can* have an object.

There's another transitive meaning of "orbit", by the way -- "put into an
orbit" -- but I think that would be a less productive interpretation.

-- ghunchu'wI'

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