tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sat Dec 07 15:59:32 1996

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RE: KBLC: letter pronounciations

Actually, the sound I'm least sure about is "S".
(I still haven't got the tapes.)
Well, English "sh" is pronounced with the tip of the tongue slightly
further back than for "s", isn't it?
At one point, Marc Okrand says (I think) that "S" is half-way between "s"
and "sh", so the tip of the tongue should be intermediate between these
two positions, shouldn't it?
But he then says (I think) that "S" is pronounced with the tip of the
tongue in the same position as for "D", i.e. half-way between the teeth
and that part of the roof of the mouth which is rather "gooshy", which
seems to be much further back than for "sh", doesn't it?
This seems inconsistent to me. Or have I got something wrong here?
Maybe it would make sense if I got the tapes...


| Oliver PEREIRA  | [email protected]    ***VIVU ESPERANTO!***  |
| Selwyn College, | See the Cambridge Esperanto Group's web page at  |
| Cambridge       |     |
| CB3 9DQ         | It's really good! (Because I didn't write it.)   |

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