tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Dec 04 19:52:29 1996

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RE: greetings

December 04, 1996 12:38 PM, jatlh Andrew 'Ska' Netherton:

> > No!  Klingon has only one greeting (this is a fact): {nuqneH}.
> 	I find this rather hard to believe.  It's like saying
> English-speaking humans only greet each other with "Hello"!

No.  First off, it has been explicitly stated (in Conversational Klingon, 
among other places) that there is only one greeting: {nuqneH}.

You are suggesting the humans and Klingons act the same.  They do not.  
(Besides, I'm not certain that every human language has an equivalent saying 
for "hello".)  It's just the way it is: Klingons get right to the point, or go 
on about their business.  Really.

>  I seriously
> doubt that a shoemaker would see the High Council walking past and
> jauntily shout <nuqneH!>

I doubt it too, because there's no point to them talking at all.  Unless the 
member of the High Council was coming to get a new pair of boots, the cobbler 
would have no reason to talk to him, and so wouldn't.  {nuqneH} doesn't mean 
"I'm getting your attention in a friendly sort of way," it means "Whaddya 
want?"  It should be used appropriately.

>  At the very least, Klingons have honour, and
> treat those who have it with more.  This leads me to believe that there
> *must* be some honourific greetings *somewhere*.

If the lowly cobbler wants to show the High Council member respect and honor, 
he'll do it by not bothering him unless he needs a new pair of boots!  If he 
DOES, then when the High Council member walks into the cobbler's shop, the 
cobbler will say, {nuqneH?}.  Perhaps the High Council member will say {DaSmey 
HoS vIje' vIneHbej}.  If the cobbler really wanted to show respect, he's say 
{jIHvaD cha'maH DeQ yInobneS!}  That's being very polite, for a Klingon!

> 	Maybe the reason we think there's only one is that Maltz was a bit
> bitter about being a Federation prisoner, and used only that one greeting.
> That seems much more likely to me...

Cute, but untrue.

Beginners' Grammarian
Stardate 96928.6

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