tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Dec 04 19:05:18 1996

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RE: Rules... Transitive vs Intransitive Formerly story, part 2

December 03, 1996 5:07 PM, jatlh qeyloS (Re transitivity):

> I have looked all over the TKD and have not found anything about the
> difference in verbs usage.  Yes I did read the FAQ and now know the
> difference but have to admit none of the verbs in the TKD are noted either 

Quite correct.  If they WERE listed, we wouldn't be arguing about it, would 
we?  :)

Here's the example I've always used.  Take the verb {ghor}.  It's glossed as 
"break."  Does this mean "break something," or does it mean "fall apart"?  
These are different meanings!  English tends to allow almost anything to be 
used transitively or intransitively, but that's no reason to assume that 
Klingon can, too.

What does the sentence {ghor taj} mean?  Does it mean that the knife causes 
something to be made into pieces, or does it mean that the knife itself 
becomes several pieces?  Well, now we know.  In TKD, Okrand uses the sentence 
{pIpyuS pach DaSop DaneHchugh pIpyuS puS DaghornIS}. "If you want to eat a 
pipius claw, you'll have to break a few pipiuses."  "You break them."  Not 
"You break" (as in, you fall into pieces).  THAT's how it works.

Unfortunately, there are some verbs which are not clear at all.  Either they 
have not been used in canon or were used ambiguously.  It's these we fight 

Beginners' Grammarian
Stardate 96928.4

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