tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Aug 30 09:32:11 1996

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mon trI'Qal

qaSDI' 96-08-29 01:44:48 EDT, jatlh trI'Qal:

> mon trI'Qal neH, Hegh nuv nuq 'e' Sovchu'mo'... 'ej nuvvetlh ghaHbe'ba'!

I think what you're trying to say is "T'rkal merely smiles [toothy grin and a
bit of growling implied], because she [fully] knows which person will die . .
. and she is obviously not that person!"

You said {mon trI'Qal neH}.  Did you really mean to say "Only T'rkal smiles"?

Here's a situation where I couldn't really follow using a question word in an
{'e'} construction.  I worked out what you probably wanted to say and tried
to see it backwards.  Have I gotten it right?  Perhaps {HeghwI' Sovchu'mo'}
would work better?

Finally, I was a little confused about your pronouns (or lack of nouns) in
this sentence.  Have I gotten these right?  If so, then perhaps {nuvvetlh
ghaHbe'ba' trI'Qal'e'} would add clarity.

Stardate 96663.2

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