tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Aug 29 03:46:31 1996

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Klingon poem

Hi, I am a Klingon 'newbie'
but saw this poem.
>A farmer stands in  his field.  He carries his betleH in his hand.  He
>sees his grain.  He takes his betleH and he cuts his grain. A warrior
>approaches him.  "You clearly can't fight.  Your betleH merely cuts
>grain", says the warrior.  The farmer doesn't answer.  He cuts his grain.
>The warrior laughs.  "You couldn't defeat a Ferengi", says the warrior.
>Suddenly the farmer attacks the warrior.  They fight quickly.  Soon the
>warrior is dead.  The farmer cuts his grain.
what would it mean to a klingon?
what would it teach a child/learning klingon?
and how would he react?

>From Benjamin Johnston
[email protected]

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