tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sun Aug 25 14:06:58 1996

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When to remove KLBC header

qaSDI' 96-08-25 14:43:35 EDT, jatlh trI'Qal:

> Okay, I KNOW I have seen a few more posts on this under the KLBC header.
>  this point, I am kicking you guy out. :)

'e' DanIDmo', batlh bIHeghjaj!  {{:-)

Hmmm . . . okay, here's an "administrative" question.  The original topic is
being sustained, although in a much more "debatable" fashion, yet the subject
header still contains the KLBC marker.  Now, what I've always done is to wait
until the BG reads the post, when it becomes Re: KLBC [whatever].

At the qep'a' we discussed subject header rules for the mailing list, but
didn't end up with anything definitive.  How do we know when to change it?
 Should we remove the KLBC marker as soon as we (anyone who is not the BG)
reply to the post, perhaps?

If you're going to yell at me, trI'Qaloy <grin>, then I think we've got to
work out this system!  (Besides, who wants a female Klingon yelling at him .
. . unless she's holding a brick . . . <growl> . . .?)

By the way, I only use smilies when making a joke.  When I mentioned that
{'I'} and {nughI'} came from a source capable of using language, so what
about using {chaH}, I attached a smilie.  Didn't mean for anyone to take that
too seriously.  Sorry.

Stardate 96652.6

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