tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Aug 23 19:17:47 1996

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Re: British Klingon! (Interview with Okrand)

qaSDI' 96-08-23 04:36:10 EDT, jatlh A.Appleyard:

>   (1) What is a cootie? This is not a word we know of in England.

Hee hee hee!  I just looked up the word (because I wanted to confirm that it
meant only what I knew it to mean).  Here's what Webster's New Universal
Unabridged Dictionary, Second Edition (yes, one of those absolutely huge
ones) says:

coo'tie, n, [Brit. World War I army slang; said to be seaman's term from
Polynesian {kutu}, parasitic insect] a louse.  [Slang.]

You sure you don't know the word?  {{:-)

Here in the US, little boys are afraid to touch little girls, because they
are carriers of "cooties," which can be especially communicable if you have
to kiss one of them (yech!).

Re {ghew} for "cricket":
>    (2) I am sorry to contradict the Great One, but I don't like this one.
>  much or little is the game of cricket played and known about in USA?

I agree, I don't like it either, but there it is.  Maybe it was from a
hastily-written cultural report sent to the Klingon homeworld!

To answer your question, I'd be hard put to find many people here who have
even heard about cricket, let alone know the rules.  I'm sure others would
have more luck than I, but even I don't know the rules, only a very vague
idea of what it's like (and that comes mostly from Douglas Adams' _Life, the
Universe, and Everything_, which is definitely not the source to go to for

But then, I wonder what Klingons would call baseball, which essentially
displaced cricket on my side of the Atlantic.  And don't try to use the word
{waw'}, anybody, because that refers to a *military* base!  {{:-)

Stardate 96647.5

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