tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Aug 23 13:50:42 1996

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I have written a story in tlhIngan Hol.  I read it to SuStel, and he
suggested I should post it here.  English translation will follow.  Here
it is.

yotlhDaj Qam wIjwI'.
ghopDajDaq betleHDaj qeng.
tIrDaj legh.
betleHDaj tlhap 'ej tIrDaj pe'lI'.
ghaH SuvwI.
>SoH SuvlaHbe'chu'. tIr pe' neH betleHlIj.< jatlh SuvwI'.
jangbe' wIjwI'.
tIrDaj pe'lI'.
Hagh SuvwI'.
>verengan DajeylaHbe'pu'< jatlh SuvwI'.
pay' SuvwI' HIv wIjwI'.
nom Suv.
tugh Heghpu' SuvwI'.
tIrDaj pe'lI' wIjwI'.

Here's the English.

A farmer stands in  his field.  He carries his betleH in his hand.  He
sees his grain.  He takes his betleH and he cuts his grain. A warrior
approaches him.  "You clearly can't fight.  Your betleH merely cuts
grain", says the warrior.  The farmer doesn't answer.  He cuts his grain.
The warrior laughs.  "You couldn't defeat a Ferengi", says the warrior.
Suddenly the farmer attacks the warrior.  They fight quickly.  Soon the
warrior is dead.  The farmer cuts his grain.

That's it.  How did I do?

[email protected]

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