tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Aug 16 20:23:00 1996

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Re: result of verb?

qaSDI' 96-08-16 21:57:40 EDT, jatlh Jeff Zeitlin:

> What this means is that the title of the first chapter of Sun
>   Tzu ("Estimates") quite nicely translates as <chovghachmey>.
>   Or should it be <chovghach'e'mey>?  Either one is much better
>   than <vuDmey>. Even if it _is_ "marked" usage.

You would need {chovghachmey'e'}.  You've got the suffix order reversed.

As far as marked usage goes, consider this: a Klingon walks into a bookstore
(hey, I'm sure they've got - or had - them!) and sees the title
{chovghachmey}.  He'll probably smirk, thinking {loQ tlhaQ pongvetlh}.  Since
it's marked, it is funny to look at.  It won't be taken very seriously as a

But why must the title be a noun?  Just becuase the English one is?  What
about the original?  Why not just call it {chov}, or {jIchov}, or {chovlu'},
or something like that?

Stardate 96627.3

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