tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Aug 16 02:42:59 1996

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pIqaD on the screen

  If it is any use to anyone, I have written a small PC program PIQAD.COM
which causes the PC to display the high-order characters 176 to 211 as the
Okuda pIqaD numbers and letters instead of the PC box-edging characters etc.
UNPIQAD.COM sets those characters back to normal.
  vay'vaD lI'chugh, PIQAD.COM 'oHbogh ghun [1] mach'e' vIqonpu'; Dung
DeghmeyvaD 176-211 Okuda pIqaD mI'mey Deghmey je 'ang De'wI' 'e' ra', 'ej PC
HaStajIH ngaSwI' HeH Deghmey rurwI'mey je lel. bIH motlhmoH UNPIQAD.COM.

  [1] verb {ghun} used here as noun "a computer program": sorry, but how else
to say this easily? I need a noun here, as part of the clause that says what
the program's name is.

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