tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Aug 09 03:30:40 1996

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Re: canon WAS Re: KSRP: Klingon animals

"Joel Anderson" <[email protected]> writes:
\ "Fan-canon" is, to my mind, rather a pejorative dismissal of material that is
\ not unworthy of our attention.
Only if you think the word "fan" is a pejorative!  I certainly don't; I
am a Star Trek fan myself (although I've found little to be fanatical
about in the TV shows lately, but that's another thread).   The point
is that Star Trek canon (and, in fact, Star Trek *Klingon*) is not the
same as canonical {tlhIngan Hol}.

When students of Klingon go to the effort of cataloging the vocabulary used
in the novels/videos/whatever, that effort should be appreciated, yes.  It's
a worthy endeavor.  It falls under the auspices of the KLI, even.  But
that does *not* make those words {tlhIngan Hol}.  The study of Klingonaase also
falls under the KLI's charter, and by all means if you can get John Ford to
talk, have him submit an article or agree to an interview -  but that doesn't
mean that I can, when speaking Hol, start talking about the {qomereQ SItela'},
use {HeSItIt} or {ghI'DayIt} as invectives, etc.

At least as far as I'm concerned, {tlhIngan Hol} is a constructed
language created by, and extensible only by, Marc  Okrand.  The fact
that its creation happens to have been commissioned by Paramount for a
fictional Star Trek race makes for some interesting cultural issues in
the language, and certainly accounts for its popularity, but does not
otherwise enter into my study of it. Paramount, regardless of whatever
legal rights they may have concerning the language, is not its final
arbiter.  In my ever-so-humble unofficial opinion.


Mark J. Reed                     |             
Email: [email protected]	         |  HP Internet/System Security Lab
Voice: +1 404 648 9535           |      2957 Clairmont Rd Suite 220
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