tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Aug 08 20:24:50 1996

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Re: Esperanto

>\ <Esperanto> vIjatlhlaH jIH je.  <Esperanto> vIjatlh 'e' law' tlhIngan Hol
>\ vIjatlh 'e' puS.
>\ (Okay, is there a way to make a phrase/sentence the subject of a verb?
>Unfortunately, no.  It would be a highly useful construct, but it's not
>there; you have to recast.
>Also, we have no indication that you can use active verbs in a law'/puS
>comparison.  How about {<Esperanto> vIjatlhbogh QaQ law' tlhIngan Hol
>vIjatlhbogh QaQ puS} : "The Esperanto which I speak is better than the
>Klingon which I speak"?

Actually after I sent my part of the above note, I realized I could (I think)
have said:
law' <Esperanto> vIjatlhbogh puS tlhIngan Hol vIjatlhbogh
The Esperanto which I speak is much, the Klingon which I speak is little.
or, I speak more Esperanto than I do Klingon.

Has anyone asked Dr. Okrand what his suggestion is for sentences like this?  It
seems like
people run into them a lot, so there should be some normal way that a Klingon
would express this
kind of relationship.

janglu' 'e' vIloS...

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