tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Aug 06 13:22:08 1996

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Re: klingon CD


>Date: Mon, 5 Aug 1996 12:46:50 -0700
>From: Dave Yeung <[email protected]>

>>>> romuluSngan Sambogh 'ej HoHbogh nejwI' 
>>>But doesn't this mean a probe that hunts and kills Romulans?  Or does 
>>>that depend on context? 
>>Klingon appears to be like English in that respect, with a rather vague
>>modification.  Does a one eyed, one horned, flying purple people eater: 

>qatlh {Sambogh 'ej HoHbogh romuluSngan nejwI'} lo'lu'be'?  After all, 
>presumably it is the Romulans doing the searching and killing, and so 
>they should be in the subject position.  Or is this construct ambiguous 
>as well?

Aha... I see.

It's a noun-noun construction, you see.  The Romulans aren't in the object
position of "HoH[bogh]," they're in the N1 position of a larger N-N
construction.  The construction is something like this:

(romuluSngan ({<Sambogh 'ej HoHbogh> nejwI'}))

Where () surround N-N pairs, and {} surround clauses (in this case, a -bogh
verb and a noun); the verb in the clause here is really two verbs, so I put
it in <>, but you can see the point.

Get it?


"qurgh, qurgh, DaH naHvam wIbuS: DaSoppu'DI', SIbI' bIchuS."

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