tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Aug 05 12:34:14 1996

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re: "any"

>The missing component is the type 9 verb suffix {-bogh}, meaning "which";
>it turns a sentence into a noun phrase.  Thus {DIvI'Daq Hol jatlhlu'bogh}
>is a noun phrase meaning "a language which is spoken in the Federation". 
>So you can now use it as the object of the verb {jatlh}, like so: 
>DIvI'Daq Hol jatlhlu'bogh Dajatlh'a'?  

Unfortunately, it can also be interpreted as "THE language spoken..." 
i.e. "English".  Which is why I tried the following:

>\ DIvI'Daq Holmey jatlhlu', wa' Dajatlh'a'? 

lugh'a' mu'tlheghvam?  yajlaHlaw' vay'.
Is this correct?  It seems less ambiguous.

 dave yeung 
{toD Duj 'oH toDuj'e'}
Courage is a ship to the rescue

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