tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sat Aug 03 21:37:35 1996

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Planetarium Exhibit

wa'Hu' "Toronto's McLaughlin Planetarium" vIghoS.  "Star Trek Exhibit" 
vISuch.  QI'yaH!  qabqu' "Exhibit"vam.  'ej wa'maH DeQ vIDIl.  'ach 
Dochmey puS vItIvbej.  vaj, Picard quS'a'Daq vIba'!  'ej betleH Daqtagh 
je vIlegh.  Do'Ha', tlhIngan Hol bey' vItu'be'.  

Okay, the following is in English because I want everyone to read it:  peqIm!
I went to the Star Trek Exhibit at the Planetarium yesterday.  There was 
nothing on the Klingon language there.  Does anyone know how to contact 
the event's organizers, and if so, does anyone have any ideas about 
setting up a display about Hol?  (Perhaps someone in KLI?)  Anyways, the 
web site is, but for some bizarre reason I can't email 
to them.  The Exhibit runs to December or something, and I think it would 
much improve the Klingon props if there was a stand describing the 
Klingon language there.  Plus it could be publicity for Hol as well as 
KLI (of which I am unfortunately still not a member... sigh). 

 dave yeung 
{toD Duj 'oH toDuj'e'}
Courage is a ship to the rescue

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