tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sat Aug 03 15:06:02 1996

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Re: <KLI Pin> vIneH! - oops!

>I'll admit, part of the impetus behind the new seal was so we'd be able to 
>produce KLI lapel pins.  That way KLI members throughout the world will be able 
>to show their affiliation in mundane settings, without having to resort to 
><<HIp>> or <<Quch>> (only the illustrious Captain Krankor can go to work in full
>All things in the proper time.

Aha! I knew you were an Esperantist in your youth! Admit it, you have a 
verda stelo in your dresser drawer somewhere.

(For everyone else: Esperantists often wear little green stars on their
lapels to identify themselves to each other.)

-- Voragh

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