tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sat Apr 13 11:58:55 1996

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Re: my list of names

At 12:20 8-04-96 -0700, you wrote:
>In your list I have found several illegal tlhIngan Hol names.
>They mostly break the rules of tlhIngan Hol phonology,
>(see my next message), sometimes - those of spelling.
>Some of them are surely Klingonaase names.

I know. I've told the people that gave me these names that they weren't
"real Klingon" (some even use non-Klingon letters like K). This makes those
name entries in the list in fact totally useless. Maybe I should explain:
the list is actually a datafile for my Klingon word interpreter that I wrote
myself. In it you can type in a word and it gives the translations of the
base word and the pre- and suffices used. But you cannot enter letters that
are not Klingon, so a K (or k) cannot even be entered. They didn't mind, and
I put their names in anyway. Names are kind of personal. I can't tell anyone
that their name is "wrong" if they think it's right.

>Illegal names:


Thanks for this interesting list, but as I wrote above I knew about the
"incorrectness" of these names and I'm not going to do anything about it....

>* vortInbraS, Fortinbras
>        -nbr- : three consonants other than legal in the middle

I got these names from my copy of Hamlet and probably unconciously made a
typing error (because the English equivalent is Fortinbras with an N).
Thanks for spotting this one. I've corrected it.

>Your list is missing several names form the other KLI sources
>available on ftp, e.g. Bible Project. I submit them in next sending.


>And then I have found it useful to sort them according to tlhIngan "alphabet".

Someone else has asked me if I could post the list sorted and I answer the
same reason why I probably wont be doing this. As I wrote above the file is
a datafile for my Klingon lookup program. It reads the list and sorts it
itself (to able to do lookups in it in O(logn) time using a binary search).
That's all I do with it, so order does not matter to me. If I ever use the
list, it's in that program.

If I get enough (=a lot) request to post the list sorted I might do so, but
it's not something that I need myself, so that will never be a reason to
post it sorted.

>(the illegal ones are marked with an asterisk *).
>(about sorting see one of my next messages).

I know how to sort, thank you. <grin>
But I've seen that message and it seems a handy method for some of use (if
you ever need to sort Klingon stuff).

>???, Robert E. Newcombe ([email protected])
>@@@, @@@

You see, this designates the end of the file. By now, I've add another token
(###,) for comments. With those comments I've partitioned the file (as well
as the NOUNS.LST and VERBS.LST that I use; typed in myself with TKD and the
mailing list as sources) into categories.


          Jarno Peschier, [email protected], 2:2802/245.1@Fido
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     What was was, before was was was? Before was was was, was was is.

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