tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Mar 31 19:19:56 1995

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Re: Welcome new BG!

On Fri, 31 Mar 1995 [email protected] wrote:

> Re: yoDtargh as new BW
> charghwI'vo':
> >Long may he reign, and few may his errors be!
> As one of the other two previous BGs, let me join charghwI' in congratulating
> yoDtargh, and to give him due credit for his achievement, plus a word of
> warning: we'll be watching you!  {{;)
> bIpo'mo' bIQapjaj!

I want to thank everyone for the enthusiastic support I've received for 
being appointed to the job of Beginners' Grammarian.  Satlho'qu'.

When I first came here in August, '94, I couldn't read or write anything 
in Klingon without looking up every single word, prefix and suffix in the 
dictionary.  Due to the expert guidance of the grammarians, my skills have 
improved considerably since then.  I especially want to thank charghwI', 
who taught me most of what I know about Klingon grammar.  His will be a 
tough act to follow.  (In the words of Valeris:  I could never replace 
you, I could only succeed you, sir.)

I'm not a linguist nor a grammar expert, my only credentials for this job 
is that I know what order the words go in Klingon.  I hope to honorably 
continue the tradition of the BG's who have preceeded me:  HoD trI'kal, 
Holtej and charghwI'.  If I make mistakes or can't figure out how to say 
something, then I fully expect the true experts to catch me when I fall. 
(I know they'll be watching me.)

My role, as I see it, is simply this:  If someone has a grammar question 
(no matter how trivial), or if they just want to practice their skills by 
writing something in Klingon, write "KLBC" in the subject line.  That will 
indicate that they want the Beginners' Grammarian (me) to answer their 
questions or review their Klingon grammar first, before anyone else 
replys, so that they won't be overwhelmed by a flood of contradictory or 
confusing responses.  If I should make a mistake, or can't answer a 
question, then the Grammarians will help me out.

As a suggestion to beginners, start with easy sentences first.  Don't try 
to translate Shakespeare, Pushkin, or the US Internal Revenue Code into 
Klingon as your first attempt.  If you have a lenghty translation you 
want me to review, you may wish to separate it into smaller posts, so can 
have time to adequately review each sentence.

reH taHjaj tlhIngan Hol 'IH ghomvam quv je.

> --Holtej


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