tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Mar 15 19:07:28 1995

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qeylIs ghaH 'Iv? ---More on Kahless - the Rebirth !!

On Wed, 15 Mar 1995 "A.Appleyard" <[email protected]> said: 
>Excuse my ignorance, but is Kahless/qeylIs a Klingon alive at the time of
the Star Trek events, or a legendary ancient hero, or a god, or what? 
My 2 cents worth---- 
Kahless, the legendary Klingon hero is returned in the STNG episode,
"Rightful Heir".  
In this episode, Worf seeking spiritual enlightenment, leaves the
Enterprise and goes to a Klingon religious retreat. His praying and
meditation brings back "Kahless".  
After defeating him in battle, Worf realizes that something is wrong.
Pressuring the monks from the retreat planet Worf learns that "Kahless" is
a clone of the original. 
Feeling threatened, Gowron first wants to kill Kahless and discredit the
monks. Worf convinces him that Kahless can serve a purpose as the head of a
spiritual revival for all Klingons.  
As far as anyone knows, Kahless has ranking on the High Council in
spiritual matters, but has no real power. 

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