tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sun Mar 12 07:56:09 1995

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Song Translation

 uu> From: "William H. Martin" <ur-valhalla!!whm2m>
 uu> Subject: Song Translation

 > God help me, but I found myself trying to translate "I Want to Hold
 > Your Hand" the other night.  I was foiled by the lack of a good verb
 > for "hold", and the fact that tlhIngan grammar ruined the flow of 
 > the song (the three repeated "I wanna hold your hand"s were broken 
 > up by sentence-as-object constructions).

 uu> I    want to  hold your hand
 uu> 1    2    3   4     5  6
 uu> tlhejchuq ghopmaj    vIneH
Hmmm...  while that might work, it makes it sound like "our hands" are going
off together and leaving the rest of us behind!  <g>

I had thought to use {ghoplIj vItlhap vIneH}.  However, I ran into the problem
of the second verse, where, to make things grammatical, I got something that
looks like this:

loDlI' jIH 'e' Dachaw'
Dajatlh 'e' vIqoy'
'ej ghoplIj vItlhap 'e' Dachaw'
Dajatlh 'e' vIqoy'
ghoplIj vItlhap vIneH
ghoplIj vItlhap vIneH

Which, of course, ruins the flow of the verse by taking the "I wanna hold your
hand" reptitions and breaking them up.

Well, in any case, here's what I had worked out.  I'm still not happy with it,

HISlaH, vay' qajatlh
Dayej 'e' vIQub
'ej vay'vetlh vIjatlh
ghoplIj vItlhap vIneH
ghoplIj vItlhap vIneH
ghoplIj vItlhap vIneH

loDlI' jIH 'e' Dachaw'
Dajatlh 'e' vIqoy'
'ej ghoplIj vItlhap 'e' Dachaw'
Dajatlh 'e' vIqoy'
ghoplIj vItlhap vIneH
ghoplIj vItlhap vIneH

'ej qaHotDI' jIQuchqu'
qamuSHa' 'e' vISo'laHbe'

HI'ja', vay'vetlh Daghaj
Dayej 'e' vIQub
vay'vetlh vIjatlhDI'
ghoplIj vItlhap vIneH
ghoplIj vItlhap vIneH
ghoplIj vItlhap vIneH

I've changed some of the words, of course, but I think that *this* translation
is more faithful to the original than "Komm, Gib Mir Deine Hand"!

(Hmmm... perhaps the next time I do one of these, I'll send it to Lawrence for
HolQeD, rather than to the list.....)

|    $$$$$ $$$$$$$$$  $$$   $$$$$ | Sogh Qob vestai-qutvaj            |
|   $$$$       $$$   $$$$$$$$'    | yaS cha'DIch, tlh.w.D. quttaj     |
|  $$$$      '$$     $$$$$$       | tlhIngan Hol yejHaD ghojwI'       |
| $$$$       $$$$     $$ $$       |                                   |
|  $$$$     '$$'          $$      | Internet:  Bill.Willmerdinger@    |
|   $$$    $$$             $$     |  |
|  $$$     $$$$$            $$$   | Fidonet: Bill Willmerdinger @     |
| $$$        $$$$$           $$$$ |           1:2613/477.1701         |

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